Saturday, April 30, 2011

Obama vs. Superman

One of my favorite superheroes is Superman and last year on a trip down to Memphis, Tennessee I just had to swing by Metropolis, Illinois.  I had heard about how they celebrate Superman there and I just had to reroute the family “Truckster” just like Clark Griswold.  I did a quick search on the internet for Metropolis just to find out what was in store for us and I was instantly hit with a picture of Obama posing in front of the huge Superman statue they have in Metropolis.  Suddenly my enthusiasm dwindled for this little stop off but, my love for Superman outweighed my dislike for Obama and we went anyway.   The recent events of Superman renouncing his US Citizenship have me thinking about Obama and Superman again.
Let’s take a look at just the opening sequence of Superman.
Kellogg’s, 'The Greatest Name in Cereals', presents: The Adventures of Superman.
 Faster than a speeding bullet! More powerful than a locomotive! Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound!
"Look! Up in the sky!"
 "It's a bird!"
 "It's a plane!"
 "It's Superman!"

... Yes, it's Superman ... strange visitor from another planet, who came to Earth with powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men! Superman ... who can change the course of mighty rivers, bend steel in his bare hands, and who, disguised as Clark Kent, mild-mannered reporter for a great metropolitan newspaper, fights a never-ending battle for truth, justice, and the American way! And now, another exciting episode, in The Adventures of Superman!
And now my opening for Obama man:

"GE, the greatest name in goofy looking light bulbs presents: The ADVENTURES OF OBAMA-MAN!”
FASTER than an Air Force One Flyover!

More POWERFUL than a wasted Government dollar on another railroad!

Able to LEAP a foreclosed house in a single bound!

"Look! Up in the sky!"

 "It's a bird!"

 "It's a plane!"

 It's Obama thinking he’s SUPERMAN!

Yes, it's OBAMAMAN, strange visitor from Kenya or Hawaii depending on what you believe
who came to America with Green-powers and Teleprompter abilities
FAR beyond those of an ignorant voter!

OBAMAMAN!  Who can Change drilling in the Gulf, bend the Auto Industry with one stroke of his pen;

And who, disguised himself as Barry, Moderate Democrat for all the liberal newspapers,

Speaks a never-ending campaign of HOPE, CHANGE and the Liberal way

And now the same old tired rhetoric of OBAMAMAN!!!

Now I guess Superman was a birther since he denounced his citizenship to be more like OBAMAMAN.  Unfortunately, all it accomplished was alert us to the real status of Superman.  First Superman is an illegal alien since he is from Krypton; I bet the Men in Black would like to speak with him.  He came to earth in a meteor that crashed in Metropolis and his parents found him and raised him.  Okay Superman or Clark Kent whatever your name is!  First you cannot renounce citizenship you never had!  How do I know Superman is not a U.S. Citizen?  He has no birth certificate!  Show us the birth certificate Mr. Superman!!!!!

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