Thursday, January 27, 2011

Pop Goes Pelosi

First I want to say Thank You; I have gotten many encouraging words from some of you.  The other day just like Chris Matthews I felt a tingle up my leg as my phone alerted me to a comment on my blog.  Whoo Hoo a comment!

Wanna be my Prom date?

I was going to let the whole SOTU thing go but I’m still having some laughs over it.  It was great to see date night finally happen but I thought they should have gone all the way and dressed as if they were going to a high school prom.  I would love to see Harry Reid in a powder blue tux with ruffles.  Then we could have had Joan and Melissa Rivers outside talking about what everyone is wearing.  I’m debating if I want to know who would have gotten a good night kiss.

Just do it!

I do have to admit that I missed playing Pop goes Pelosi that night but I found a new game in watching Boehner getting more and more grumpy as the speech wore on.  At first Boehner sat there and almost cried again as Obama talked about him, I’m sure the Democrats had some money on it.  Then I was wondering why he was clapping but his claps soon lost its enthusiasm.  Boehner then got the look like he wanted to yell at Obama just like I was at home.  Speaking of this where was Joe Wilson?  If we ever needed a good “YOU LIE” it was with this speech.
I couldn’t help but to think of the irony as Obama challenged America on its Sputnik moment.  Really?  Is this the same guy who just gave NASA its pink slip?  Maybe he should have picked something more up to date than Sputnik.  It was 1957 when Sputnik was launched and I don’t even think my parents had met yet.  Maybe he should have gone with our Rubik's Cube, our Macarena, our Snuggie moment or my favorite our Chia-Obama Moment.
Let’s face it the speech was way too long.  I went from being angry like Anthony Weiner talking to Megan Kelly, to sad like all the lonely unelected Democrats sitting at home to just slap happy like Nancy Pelosi at the plastic surgeons office.  As the speech wore on and on and John McCain slumped farther and farther into his chair, I think at one point he morphed into the chair.  I found myself hoping that Bill Clinton would come out and tap Obama on the shoulder and say “I got this again.”  Never thought I would find myself wanting Clinton, now I know how Monica Lewinsky felt.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A puppy in every pot!

Yes, Obama is back into campaign mode.  Governing is easy when you promise everyone everything they ever wanted.  I think the only thing missing tonight was Obama dressing up like Willy Wonka and singing.  Yes Charlie you can have the entire chocolate factory and we'll make the evil rich pay for it.  No don't worry about your citizenship along with the chocolate factory comes a green card and free health care.  I would not recommend running home to look for your chicken in every pot or as I like to say your Puppy.  I use to say puppy because who doesn't want a puppy but now maybe it's because we are owned by the chinese and well you know.  Obama also could have been George Bailey tonight he promised us the sun, the moon (thanks for getting us there NASA but now your fired!) and the stars.  So as George Bailey once said "You want the moon I'll throw a rope around it and pull it down." of course that was before he changed his name to Smith and went to Washington.
I think the funniest part of the speech is where Obama tried to sell us on high speed rail.  This moment reminded me of the Simpsons episode where the town of Springfield is convinced they should build a monorail.  I was waiting for all the Democrats to start chanting Monorail...Monorail....MonoDOH! 

Monday, January 24, 2011

Watcha Talkin' Bout?

Robert Gibbs is one of the biggest clowns of the Obama administration.  I might actually miss him when he leaves.  This time he has out done himself answering a birther question, he claims most rational people after seeing and hearing the president they know he was born in the U.S..  What?
As most of you who are on the right as I am, you probably have been called a racist for disagreeing with Obama. I've been shocked at the people who have called me that even though I could provide a least a hundred reasons not to agree with Obama it all comes down to that.  For simply saying that I was not going to vote for him I was labeled a racist and yet from Robert Gibbs we get this and you probably won't hear much reporting on it.
So in order to become a better person and see the way the left thinks I'm going to think like Gibbs.  So any one who talks funny you are no longer U.S. citizens.  People of Texas Y'all aint from around here are ya?  Snooki and all of your Jersey Shore friends can go back to the country you came from.  I'm also happy to announce that all Green Bay Fans can go find a fish fry somewhere else you betcha!  California Valley Girls as if your from this country.  People of Fargo we now give you to Canada.  There Mr. Gibbs is that better we got rid of most of the country.  Maybe this is why he didn't like Palin.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Back Again

After a long drive from D.C. and back I've decided to try another political blog but with a comedy spin to it.  Let's face it these knuckleheads in Washington are just begging to be made fun of.  I have a lot of great conversations with my fellow right wing nuts and we always seem to have a good laugh so I've decided to share (what I can) with everyone.
The State of the Union is Tuesday night and there is a lot of talk of Republicans and Democrats sitting together to show unity.  This has to be one of the dumbest ideas I've heard.  Does any Republican really want to sit next to Nancy Pelosi?  Barney Frank?  Thinking about the whole thing could be fun if we get the extreme right next to the extreme left.  Could be comedy gold.
Now if they really want to ensure that they show unity maybe they need people sitting between them, sort of like when you were a kid fighting with your sibling and your mom or dad would sit between the two of you.  All this has brought me to the thought of the seating chart for The State of The Union.  Do we really need Congress there or could we just send other people.
I would love to see Barney Frank sitting next to Barney Rubble and Barney the Dinosaur.  Henry Waxman we could sit next to the cast from Star Wars and if he could be playing an instrument from the canteen scene from Star Wars that would help.  Herman Munster and Mr. Ed could sit next to John Kerry.  Now it almost seems to easy with Nancy Pelosi but I'll put her next to The Joker and a Gremlin.  How about Grandpa Munster next to Charlie Rangle and the Harlem Globetrotters on the other side since he's from Harlem.
Now on to the people I would love to see at the State of the Union just to spice up the cut away shots.  Sarah Palin I would love to see her rolling her eyes.  Bozo the Clown would be fitting since they all are a bunch of clowns in fact why don't we have a clown section and they could enter in the clown car just as the president starts his speech.  I'm going to send an invite to Ed McMahon for two reasons one he could bring in a giant check ala publishers clearing house and it would be great to hear him laugh after the president makes some of his proposals.
Now right down in front we should have all the commentators from Fox and MSNBC, I'll leave out CNN since they need to work on their ratings.  Would it not be great to see Sean Hannity sitting next to the jobless Keith Olbermann?  How about O'Reilly next to Maddow?  Obviously with Dennis Miller close to them with his own mic so we could hear all his comments.  I would also love to see Rush Limbaugh sitting front and center just to intimidate the president, maybe he could just keep saying "I make more than you!"
If they made some of these changes and more you could put the State of the Union on Pay per View and we could pay down the debt.