Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A puppy in every pot!

Yes, Obama is back into campaign mode.  Governing is easy when you promise everyone everything they ever wanted.  I think the only thing missing tonight was Obama dressing up like Willy Wonka and singing.  Yes Charlie you can have the entire chocolate factory and we'll make the evil rich pay for it.  No don't worry about your citizenship along with the chocolate factory comes a green card and free health care.  I would not recommend running home to look for your chicken in every pot or as I like to say your Puppy.  I use to say puppy because who doesn't want a puppy but now maybe it's because we are owned by the chinese and well you know.  Obama also could have been George Bailey tonight he promised us the sun, the moon (thanks for getting us there NASA but now your fired!) and the stars.  So as George Bailey once said "You want the moon I'll throw a rope around it and pull it down." of course that was before he changed his name to Smith and went to Washington.
I think the funniest part of the speech is where Obama tried to sell us on high speed rail.  This moment reminded me of the Simpsons episode where the town of Springfield is convinced they should build a monorail.  I was waiting for all the Democrats to start chanting Monorail...Monorail....MonoDOH! 

1 comment:

  1. Very clever of him to suggest a spending freeze, never mind the fact that he has increased spending by over 25% since taking office.
