Saturday, February 25, 2012

Wrong War!!

I answered the phone the other day and I heard “He’s picked a war with the wrong Church!” it was a catholic friend of mine who I know voted for Obama last time despite my warnings.  I think she was one of those that voted for him to prove she was open minded, now she needs to vote against him to prove she is not stupid.  I simply told her this time you can vote him out, if he gets re-elected ,he will not be threatened.

Obama’s so called compromise is actually funnier than anything I’ve written in my blog.  So the big evil insurance corporations, out of the kindness of their hearts, will provide those services free of charge.  Yes, thank you Barack, we are that dumb.  After all we elected you!   I’m happy that the Catholic Church is finally standing up to Obama and that other churches are standing with them.

Obama’s assumption that the Catholic Church would be so willing to go against their values has me wondering.  What would Obama do against his core beliefs?

Would he start to conceal and carry?

Would he renounce the NBA until they added the Harlem Globetrotters?

Would Obama admit he smokes and start smoking in front of the press?

Hey, maybe he could pass a mandate requiring everyone to smoke.

What if Barack actually followed Michelle’s diet guidelines?

What if, to prevent global warming, he grounded Air Force One and traded in his limo for a Chevy Volt?  (He could light his cigarettes when it catches fire)

And finally, if President Obama wants to truly go against his core values he could simply take responsibility himself and stop blaming Bush!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

I'm Baaaaack

First off welcome back, my apologies to all of you for being gone and neglecting my poor little blog for soooo long.

There was a flood!  (Okay just my fish tank but traumatic to my fish.)

Then there was Christmas!  (I’m a father of a toddler those of you with kids will understand)

Then I just got lazy and stopped writing for a bit (If Barack is going to call us lazy then I must obey)

With all that said I’m going to try and be better about updating my little blog.  What truly inspired me again was Hating Breitbart.  As you may remember I had been following Andrew Breitbart around working on documentary about him.  The trailer for the movie includes some of our adventures at Right Nation and in Minneapolis.  I talked about what a great time it was in my “The Storm” post.  Grab some popcorn and enjoy the trailer for "Hating Breitbart while I feed my fish, take down the Christmas lights and stop being so lazy and update my blog.