Friday, October 28, 2011

9-9-9 = 6-6-6 = KKK = ???

Maybe I’m just going through different stages, at first I just laughed it off then I got mad about it and then I embraced it to try and make me stronger.  Now I think I’m entering a new stage of my Liberal Left tag of RACIST.  I’m worried I might be.  I guess if you call someone a racist enough they will begin to believe it themselves.  Now I’m not quite ready to go out and get fitted for my KKK outfit just yet but with such great minds as Jeanine Garafalo, Morgan Freeman and Harry Belafonte who not only knows how to belt out a song about bananas but also apparently is an expert in race relations. I guess I need to re evaluate my racism.
Could the only reason I love Herman Cain is because he’s black?  I’ve read his book, heard him speak at rally’s, looked up his resume and agree with a majority of what he says at the debates or is it all just the color of his skin?  Is it just me or the entire Tea Party?  What if Herman Cain himself is a racist?  I need to look into this whole controversy for myself to reveal the truth.
First let’s take Cain’s 9-9-9 plan and if you take the ninth letter of the alphabet it’s the I-I-I plan proving that Cain is only in it for himself.  Now, if you follow Bachman’s advice and turn those nines upside down you get 6-6-6 or applying the alphabet code you get F-F-F or Fool-Fool-Fool an obvious play on Mr. T’s “I pity the fool”  As if this wasn’t enough evidence of racism there is more and maybe the biggest evidence that Cain’s 9-9-9 plan is racist.  If you take the 9 and add it to the 2 party system, you now get 11-11-11 or K-K-K.  Then I started looking at photos of Cain and the Tea Party racism showed right through.  Let’s take a look.

First here is a photo of a white man having coffee with Herman.  Notice Herman doesn’t get a sandwich this is obviously a master and a slave photo.  Also notice how he puts Herman Cain next to a Coca-Cola machine to rub it in his face that his father was a limo driver for Coke and Herman finally left Coke to advance his career.  RACIST!!!!

Now look at this shirt, I know obvious racism.  First two black guys on a “white” T-shirt.  Then it reads a couple of brothers in the White House.  The biggest piece of evidence is the fact that Allen West is facing away from Herman Cain and all of his racism.

This photo printed in “Black” comparing Cain to a hurricane an obvious reference to Katrina and how George Bush hates Black people.  Not to mention that “Rock you like a hurricane” was song by a white band.

Here is a photo of Herman Cain’s campaign bus.  Notice how his picture is towards the back of the bus.  Also not pictured is the white Tea Party driver of the bus who was yelling at Herman to stay at the back of the bus when Herman raised his hands up in disbelief the photo was taken.

Here is a photo of a Tea Party Patriot who is trying to drag his kid away from shaking hands with the token black man of the Tea Party.  RACIST!

Here is a picture of Sarah Palin visibly upset by having to hug the token black man of the Tea Party.  You can also see another white male starting to pray over Sarah for having to hug Herman Cain.  I think he was trying to pray the black out before Sarah blacked out.

I know you can see this racism.  First this photo was taken moments after Cain presented Trump with his birth certificate.  Then not only did they make Herman stand next to a woman (The beautiful blonde) but if you look over Cain’s left shoulder you can see the word BOY.  RACIST!!

Do I even have to tell you on this one?  Cain’s tie wrapped around his neck and over his shoulder almost like he’s chained up.  Then Cain dressed in a white shirt and Bachman wearing a dark jacket.  Racist!  I think they were eating Bachman’s hotter than 666 chicken wings.

Here is a photo of Herman at one of his speaking engagements.  Notice his dressing room in the back with the big black X on it.  RACIST!

Here is the photo of the group that Cain was speaking to on that day.

A picture of the White T-shirts they were selling at Cain’s speaking engagement.

A picture with Jan Brewer moments before she tried to have Herman deported.  Later she called Donald for his help.

An early photo of Rick Perry “Blazing Saddles” to deport Herman Cain.

Later Perry has a flashback and tries to deport Herman once again.

We found this statue outside of Rick Perry’s family hunting lodge.  Rick swears it has been there for years and recently repainted.

A photo from an early republican debate.



I hope you have all taken this in fun, in the words of Herman Cain America needs to learn to take a joke.  I hope to have also pointed out the silliness of the left racist attacks, the biggest problem with this is when racism does rear its ugly head people may have cried wolf one too many times.  I hope one day we can move past all of this and vote for a candidates merits and not their skin color.  Keep smiling, keep laughing and Vote! 

For More fun Watch Steven Crowder 

Thursday, October 13, 2011


It was a beautiful Indian summer day as I drove to The Chicago Board of Trade.  This was not a day to work. I wished that I could just enjoy one of the last beautiful days in Chicago; unfortunately strange events were unfolding at the CBOT that required my attention.
I arrived outside the Chicago Board of Trade and the Lefties had begun to amass.  Strangely this was not what I had expected.  The protest was small and almost cute, If not for the smell of Patchouli and the mindless chanting it might actually be fun.  This gathering of socialists was no match for us Capitalists.  After seeing the size of the beast we decided to lay low for a bit and headed to the safety of a nearby coffee shop.  Inside the coffee shop one member of our team struck up a conversation with the manager.  We learned that the protestors who hate us evil capitalist had no problem plunking down $4.00 for coffee.  AHHH!  The rich bold taste of Capitalism.  I sat back and relaxed in the coffee shop; this mini protest filled with poser socialists drinking capitalist coffee was going to be easy.  After a quick recharge in the coffee shop we walked back to see our tiny little protest; we had no idea what was in store for us.
Shortly after our arrival back, the beast began to grow out of control.  Busses filled with union workers showed up (WHAP) End Foreclosure protesters showed up (BAM) Communist, socialist and Marxist…Oh MY!  Even some global warmers showed up (POW).  It was clear who we were facing now it was the Left Wing BLOB!!!!!  What did they want?  Unionize everything!  Forgive their student loans!  No more foreclosures!  Just give them everything they want for free!  Except coffee they’ll still gladly pay $4.00 for that.
We were soon surrounded by this socialist blob and it was rapidly growing.  We bravely started our fight by asking questions.  Usually the best defense is to ask a simple question such as; what does your sign mean?  We were able to remain low key and for the most part unnoticed, a great strategy, considering we were surrounded by The Blob.  Near the end of the protest, The Blob was having some of its members leave probably for some coffee and some were arrested. That was when our true identity was discovered.
We went in for an interview with an elderly member of the blob, I thought for just fun.  Get her to say something like “I have no idea where we are or what we are doing here.”  We were soon surrounded by a small group of people trying to hear what we were asking her and they were not happy with our line of questioning.  Turns out this little old lady was a prominent member of the Democrat Socialist.  Dun dun DUNNNNN!  This Blob was bigger than we had anticipated.  Just then a member of The Blob in a rare moment of clarity stopped his mindless chanting and yelled AHA!! I know who you are!  You’re a Breitbart!  That’s right we’re a Breitbart.

*****No Andrew Breitbart was not with us that night nor sanctioned any of our actions that night**** 

OWS, the greatest name in protests presents:


FASTER than Al Gore’s Internet!

More POWERFUL than High speed rail!

Able to LEAP small minded liberals in a single bound!

LOOK! On The Internet!
It's a Capitalist!
It's a Conservative!

Yes, it's A BREITBART, strange visitors from another planet

who came to a protest with powers and abilities to think
FAR beyond those of Socialist men!

Who can CHANGE the course of fleeing protesters, BEND cardboard signs in his bare hands;
And who, disguised as us,
Mild-mannered reporter for an almost bankrupt Metropolitan Newspaper,   
fights a never-ending battle for TRUTH,
And now another exciting episode

Thursday, October 6, 2011


I was able to work/attend Teacon at the Schaumberg convention center.  I always love these events especially when I don’t have to pay to get in, what can I say except that I’m a true conservative.  The Tea Party events just feel right in more ways than one.  I always feel refreshed to know that there are other like minded people out there who won’t give me “That look” for my political views.  I’m sure you’ve all seen; “the look” before they look like they have vomit in the back of their throats when you say “actually I agree with Sarah Palin” That look.
I was able to meet some great people like Dana Loesch.  If you are a conservative reading this and you don’t know who she is take a moment and look her up.  A friend of mine leaned over during her speech and asked if I had ever heard of her before.  Oh YES!  I responded.  I first met Dana in the studio of her radio talk show in St. Louis as she read hate mail she had received and laughed about how much she loved it.  What’s not to like about someone who is also the black sheep of the family for her political views as am I.  Dana also complained at Teacon that there was NO BACON!  If you want to make sure there are no Islamic Extremist in the room why not invite the candy of the meat world BACON!
Another great guy that was at Teacon was Steven Crowder once again take a moment to find out who he is.  I thanked Steven for his comedy and told him how many Facebook fights I had won thanks to his Detroit video.  I usually ask liberals to watch the video and then ask them the same question Steven asks in the video.  If the liberal Democrat way is so good what happened to Detroit?  You will usually either get no answer, blocked or something like SHUT UP!  You stupid conservative!  My advice is to keep asking the question over and over and over, you’ll never get an answer but you will frustrate them.  Remember the rules of the Facebook fight if they call you a name, drop or block you that’s a victory and you can put the World War 2 fighter pilot victory stamp on the side of your laptop.
Now the greatest speech of Teacon was Herman Cain.  If you have not heard of Herman Cain get off my blog right now and look him up.  I first heard Herman Cain in Wisconsin at a little protest they were having there.  I was busy working but could not help but wonder who this guy was, he is fantastic.  He had the Tea Party on that cold Wisconsin day fired up, they hung on his every word he was inspirational.  I just worried that they Tea Bagging idiots would soon figure out he was black.  When I returned from Wisconsin I remembered Herman Cain and his speech for me with my ADD (Oh look a bird!) that was a big deal.  I read up on Mr. Herman Cain and was excited when he finally announced his candidacy.  Herman Cain drew the media to the back of the room of Teacon every major network was there.  I sat back there as we waited for Herman to arrive and laughed as I watched the liberal media have to take that Teacon badge and hang it around their liberal necks.  The look of was priceless, almost like they had a little vomit in the back of their throats.  I watched several of their reports later and their obvious hatred of the Tea Party.  One report just had to mention the lack of color people in the room; I guess she forgot to look on stage.  
Herman Cain thanking me for my endorsement.
Mitt was a bit dissapointed.
Now here is a first I’m going to endorse Herman Cain for President.  I should probably wait on my endorsement like Rush, Hannity and Beck but I know this single endorsement will push Herman Cain over the top in the polls.  Among all of his endorsement he is sure to get the one from the will be the one to put him into the nomination and then to the Presidency.  Herman Cain will be The First…After “I Can” American President!