The current economic state of the world has many countries protesting and even throwing the bums out. Tunisia and Egypt have us sitting here in the U.S. watching in amazement at the power of the people and democracy taking hold in these lands. I do hope for the best for these countries and that they are able to make it through these terrible times. All the protests have me
wondering about our own country and if it could happen here.

The people are upset that their government is filled with clowns that only care about themselves and not about the people. Gee, does that sound familiar? How long is it until the people of the United States figure out the same thing and have many of us not already come to this conclusion? It was a few years ago that I turned away from the Republican Party since I felt they lost their way and I simply started calling myself a conservative, that was until the Tea Party started and I quickly found my people again.
I’m always amazed at how Liberals (who always claim to be the smartest people in the room) simply cannot understand the Tea Party. I will type the next part slower so maybe they will be able to understand that the Tea Party is for reducing the size of the government. Okay hopefully they now understand that now, I will resume typing faster. What I don’t understand is how they all seem to support the protestors in other countries and call them heroes but, Tea Party protest are just racist idiots. Just so I have it straight, protesting an out of control government in Egypt or Tunisia and your great but tell the U.S. Government they are out of control and you’re a moron. Just remember if you call me a Tea Bagger; Guess what that makes you?
Now I think we are seeing a bit of the protest in Wisconsin and I wonder when it will come to Washington. I’m surprised to see it start in Wisconsin and at this time. I know all the snow this year has the Cheese heads going a bit nuts but come on the Packers won the Superbowl. The government workers are getting the wakeup call the rest of us have already gotten, the economy sucks and everyone’s budget is being cut. The simple fact is we are BROKE!
I do have a few suggestions for Wisconsin to meet their budget without having to make hard decisions. First; How about a bad cheese tax? Any bad cheese products such as that fake (not Kraft) Mac and Cheese or that Nacho Cheese at the movie theatre. Second; How about a Brat tax? Every time I stop at the Brat Stop it’s always filled with customers who love brats. The last tax proposal would surely close the budget gap in Wisconsin. The Packer Tax! They could tax everything with a Packer logo on it; those chee
se heads love everything green and gold. I imagine with this tax Wisconsin would have a surplus and all their streets would be paved with Packer gold.

No, let’s be honest no amount of new taxes will bring us out of this mess only cutting the budget will. America now reminds me of a small child standing in line at the grocery store crying because mommy won’t buy them the candy. We are spoiled and need to start acting like grownups and taking care of ourselves. Maybe Wisconsin is the start where we wake up and realize the error of our ways and start throwing the clowns out. Unfortunately Wisconsin right now is being told no and whining like the kid at the grocery store. Although, wine does go well with cheese.
The Government’s View of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.
-Ronald Reagan
You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than you earn
-Abraham Lincoln
Governments don’t reduce deficits by raising taxes on the people; governments reduce deficits by controlling spending and stimulating new wealth.
-Ronald Reagan
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