I had no idea the blizzard of 2011 was going to occupy my time more than Obama at a teleprompter convention. First there were the weather warnings, you kind of had to laugh “life threatening blizzard is headed for us.” I just had images of the abominable snowman from Rudolph running right towards us. Killer snow…killer snow…killer snow, people heard this on the news began to panic and before long the grocery store shelves were empty. Hmm maybe this was just another way to stimu
late the economy? Nope sorry those guys in Washington are just not that smart.
The next day the storm hit and it was fun. It was great flipping back and forth from Facebook to the Weather Channel. I even had to post the satellite image, which was entirely blue on my Facebook page. The status updates were great as I have many friends who work in the news media and had to be in the thick of it.
Radar image from the blizzard.
Can you see my house? |
“News truck is stuck. I hoofed it two blocks to hotel.”
“I've been doing live shots since 3am. Had to walk to LSD to get stranded car video. About 1/2 mile away. It's been really swell.”
“Covering snow!!! 15 years as a photog and this is the worst conditions I have ever experienced”
“Home... for three hours, then back to snow coverage”
This was all great fun outside of shoveling my porch several time and even that at times was kind of fun I was enjoying the 2011 Killer Blizzard, but then it started. Al Gore popped his head out. Just like Puxatony Phil this joke has to pop his head out in every weather condition there is. I honestly would like to play Whack a Mole with Al Gore and slap him on his head every time he pops up yelling “It’s Global Warming!” Sorry Al according to your liberal followers it’s now called “Climate Change”.
Let’s be honest and serious here for a second, the Blizzard of 2011 did not set ANY records. So what does this mean? Absolutely nothing! That’s right it was not the worst Blizzard in recorded history it was just another blizzard. We have had blizzard like this before and we will probably have them again.
I had a chance once to hear Al Gore speak rest assured I was not there for him but for work. Al left his mansion that morning in Tennessee, I’m sure you have all heard what an energy hog that place is. He hopped on his private jet and flew in, he then hopped in to an SUV mind you it was only him and another person with him. I guess Tipper decided not to make the trip. He went on stage did his speech and even signed autographs later the entire time with the SUV running on the loading dock. This is the man you want me to listen to about my carbon footprint? I always love at this point to tell liberals about George Bush’s house and how eco friendly it is.

Al Gore who invented the internet that allows me the pleasure of Facebooking was now dominating my news feed. My liberal friends were all commenting on how this is proof of “Climate Change” and my conservative friends were posting jokes about Al Gore and “Global Warming”. My fun of Blizzard 2011 was taking away my one guilty pleasure of riding out the storm. When will it ever end can it no longer snow in the winter or get hot in the summer without “Whack a Gore” popping his head up. Can we just whack this hypocrite on the head and send him back down the hole and unplug the machine?
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