After a long shoot day of listening to Ralph Nader and other extreme left wingers complain about Obama not being liberal enough. Not Liberal enough? That’s kind of like saying Liberace wasn’t gay enough. I and two other conservative friends took some time to see the White House. I had always wanted to go to the White House but was kind of waiting about two more years to see it. As we walked to the White House it was strange and eerie and not just because of who was in the White House but also because of all the Chinese flags waving right next to Old Glory. I know it was for
the Chinese President Hu Jintao but it still made me feel kind of dirty. I just imagined the conversation inside the White House with Obama and his economic team, Obama probably told them “I need to spend more money!” and the economic team responded “But were Broke who will you get the money from?” to which Obama responded “exactly! Hu.”
After our quick but cold visit to the White House we crossed the street and entered the White House gift shop. We were amazed at the number of Sarah Palin items that were on sale there, not bad for someone who was only a Vice Presidential candidate. Our enthusiasm changed once we saw the Sarah Palin Paper Doll book that featured Sarah in a bathing suit and her in an old fashioned housewife outfit but with a gun. They would never do this to the first lady or any Democrat candidate. I know we probably don’t want to see Hillary or Pelosi in any of those outfits although they would look good in a Burka.
I made a couple of purchases at the White House gift shop and I did not buy the Palin paper doll book. With my purchases we got to take pictures at a mock up of the Presidential Podium and the Oval Office. You have to wait for one of the employees to let you into the area to take your set number of photos. After taking a few shots at the podium we headed over to the Oval Office but they had cardboard cutouts of Barack and Michelle standing behind the desk. My mind raced on what exactly to do I did not want a picture with them in the back, I thought do I just remove them or act like I’m doing something funny with them and what would the employee that was watching let me do? As I walked around to head behind the desk I noticed hidden behind a fake wall another cardboard cutout. “What is this?” I asked as I reached for it and sure enough it was my saving grace. A Sarah Palin cardboard cutout was there “Can I put her in the picture?” I asked. With as much attitude as she could muster and an eye roll the employee answered “If you want…?” Boy did it get cold in here or did
I just run into an Obama supporter. I swept Sarah from her feet and placed her directly in front of Barack, I was still a bit afraid to take Barack and Michelle out of the shot. As I stood there getting my picture taken and thinking how great it would be if Sarah was President I noticed the employee with an I’m gonna be sick look on her face and I got a bit miffed with her. That was it for the next picture Barack and Michelle were going out. Once again I asked “can we get them out of the picture.” Now with more attitude then the first time she responded “As long as you put them back
where they belong!” I wanted to say no problem I can place them in the garbage when were done but I thought better of it. I took a picture of my conservative friends and put everything back where we found it, I thanked the employee who now just looked at me with disgust, must have been all that caring left love they have.
Wow are these the same people that blame Palin for the Arizona shooting? I wonder if they would be for a tax increase that was to help out only the conservative poor? I think it’s about time they put the surveyor marks that they think are crosshairs for targets on themselves.
Wow, this was the first time I read one of your posts. I absolutely love the story and, even more, I love that you actually removed Barack and Michelle from the Oval Office... too bad it was just their cutouts!