How much fun would it be to have a President Beck? Now I know it will probably never happen, Beck would never want to take the pay cut, nor do I think he would even think of himself as qualified for the job unlike some others. I do love to think about it and how much fun it would be to see a day when we would have such a character in the White house, kind of like when we had Mike Ditka as coach of the Bears, those were the days.
Many of you may not know that there was already one President Beck and he was Black or African American or whatever the political correct term is now. Yes I know every liberal will now call me a racist. Morgan Freeman was actually the first President Beck in the movie Deep Impact (1998). The U.S. is threatened by a comet and when the mission to stop the comet fails President Beck has to declare Marshall Law, something I now most Liberals would think fitting for a President Beck.
Now on to my favorite part of President Beck, The State of the Union. I would love to see him up there at the podium just going to town with a passionate speech. The Chalk board would be right behind him as he explained his plans to right the nation. He would get emotional during the speech and start crying and then you know that would get Boehner to start crying, man that would be worth watching. President Beck would be into his speech and going strong then turn and
Driving Liberals would be one of the greatest things about President Beck. I would love to watch their heads explode as Beck took the Oath of Office. I’m sure all the things that no longer seem to matter to Liberals would be once again on the front page and leading stories on the news. The Iraq and Afghanistan wars, Gitmo and Homeland Security and their wire taps would all matter again. Protesting would once again be cool and patriotic. I’m sure insane asylums would be packed with liberals yelling to themselves at Beck.
“Good for you, you have a heart, you can be a liberal. Now, couple your heart with your brain, and you can be a conservative.” Glenn Beck
Once Beck took office it would be fun to see the fireworks fly as he did battle with the Democrats. Unlike Bush I do think Beck would have no problem calling them idiots and saying if you want to know why we are having problems in this country look no further than Pelosi. Having him school the Democrats by quoting the Constitution to them would be fantastic. Sorry guys but that whole insurance mandate is unconstitutional and I will not sign it! Now I would also love to hear him school the Republicans on the same things since many of them have lost their way.
“’Hello my name is the Republican Party and I got a problem. I'm addicted to spending and big government.' I'd like one of them just to stand up and say that.” Glenn Beck

look directly into the camera and say “I buy my gold at Goldline”; that’s right President Beck would be helping to pay down the national debt by selling ads in his speeches. With all the crying and ads in the SOTU address his speech would still be shorter than Obama’s and more people would watch and listen.
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