Monday, June 6, 2011

Twitter Dogs!

Gee has anybody heard what’s going on with Anthony Weiner?  I’m sorry but I have to giggle every time I hear the phrase Weiner-gate.  What exactly is a Weiner-gate?  Is that the funny fold thing on the front of guy’s underwear that I can never figure out?  Sorry I didn’t want to write this kind of humor but it really is too funny to pass up.
The entire controversy has me concerned about several things.  First, Shouldn’t we be concerned that a member of Congress who is supposed to run the country cannot even identify his own member?  I think Weiner not only took the picture but also sent it.  I’m very concerned that members of congress don’t know how to use simple programs like Twitter and Facebook.  There are sixteen year old boys know how to use these programs and most of them understand why you probably should not send pictures of your member.
Now I have to say that Mr. Weiner has handled this problem that suddenly popped up all wrong.  Weiner should have wrapped up this issue in a few days before it got too big to handle.  First if you’re going to lie about it; you better stick with the lie all the way.  No I did not have sexual relations with that woman.  Oh wait wrong Democrat.  Sorry, that was a bad example, didn’t work out to well for Slick Willy Clinton.  Maybe Anthony could call Hillary for some advice or John Edwards.

I did not know that certitude was even a word.

1. Absolute certainty or conviction that something is the case.
2. Something that someone firmly believes is true.

 Maybe Bill O’Riely should make it his work of the day.  Name a town any town and if you wish to opine do it with Certitude.  I wonder if Weiner calls his member “certitude”.  It would be strange if he did call it Weiner I mean that is so overdone.  Anthony could call it his “distinguished member of congress”
Now that Weiner-gate seems to be bringing down Congressman Weiner, unless he takes Viagra.  Congressman Weiner should start looking for his next opportunity.  Viagra and Cialis should be knocking on his door soon looking for a spokesman.  Then he should sell the rights to the movie.  Facebook already had the Social Network movie now Twitter could have their movie; Free Willy the Anthony Weiner story.  Then Weiner could start selling and endorsing products on late night TV like.
The Anthony Weiner Roaster

The Weiner Snuggie

How about a Weiner Snuggie for your wiener dog?

Oscar Mayer needs someone to drive the Oscar Meyer Weinermobile.

And finally from the guy who brought you Weiner-gate the all new Weiner-Rake.

Make sure not to miss the big White House Farwell Weenie Roast! 

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