Thursday, June 23, 2011


Okay, I can say it now; I have been working on a documentary about Andrew Breitbart.  I had a chance to see an early version of the trailer and it looks great and had me wanting to see the movie even though I have been exposed to much of it.  Hanging out with Breitbart has its moments and our recent trip to Minneapolis was no exception.
We were about half way to Minneapolis when the news broke of Wiener’s resignation; this was a story that Breitbart was heavily involved in exposing (giggle giggle).  Breitbart had been accused of hacking into the congressman’s computer.  Breitbart then received photos from other women that the congressman had sent them.  Once again the photos demonstrated that Congressman Weiner was living up to his name.  Our leisurely trip to Minneapolis turned into a race to try and meet Breitbart when he landed.  Needless to say, we did not make it before Weiner was done, cooked, out of hot water, just pick your favorite Wiener joke and insert here.  (Ha! Insert Wiener here and I wasn’t trying to be funny)

We arrived in Minneapolis to find Breitbart in a TV Studio. He was talking with Sean Hannity on his phone.  Breitbart was happy and relaxed, a very confusing emotion for us since we are used to seeing him at the front lines of a protest.  That night we headed to dinner with Breitbart at a local British Pub where I was amused to watch as people looked at Breitbart with strange looks and we tried our best to predict if people loved him, hated him or were just trying to figure out who he was.  You would be surprised how looking at someone with awe and respect has the same look as I can’t stand you!  At the British Pub we learned that not only was there a right blog convention in town but also a left blog convention as well; oh boy, now we knew what we had in store for us.

The very next day we arrived at Breitbart’s hotel room to find him on the phone trying to rent a bounce house for the Net Roots (the lefties) and the Right on Line (the righties) to bring them together for some fun.  Unfortunately they could not get the bounce house close enough to the hotel.  The righties would have come but for the lefties, it just simply would have been too much work.  I was bummed about the bounce house; it would have made for great TV.  We still knew there was something in store for us but had no idea what or when, that’s sort of the fun of following Breitbart.  I think it’s the same high that storm chasers get.  You know something is going to happen we just don’t know when and how big the storm is going to get.

That afternoon the storm hit!  After listening to Breitbart talk about the Wiener story for what seemed to us to be about the 100th time, Breitbart stopped looked around and decided that everyone was too happy, smiling and giggling around him and he needed some balance in his life.  Off we headed like a hurricane filled with other bloggers, security, and us the camera crew.  Hurricane Breitbart headed straight towards the front door of the net nuts convention.  The security guards hired by Right Online to watch after the keynote speakers started warning that we were on our way, their faces told me we were in for a big storm.
Soon our little group caught the attention of the lefties as we headed the few block walk to the other convention.  Breitbart was relaxed and happy stopping and taking pictures with lefties calling them satire photos and laughing along with the lefties.  The happy pictures soon gave way to those pesky little lefty cameras asking all kinds of questions.  Let me take a moment and warn all of you, if you run into a person from the left either have a good question for them or just take the satire photo but please don’t ask them a stupid question that doesn’t relate to them.  Lefties decided to ask the man involved with the Wiener scandal about immigration reform.  Even Breitbart told them if you ask me again about immigration I’m gonna lie down and fall asleep right here!

Moments later, we entered the building and headed down the escalator towards the entrance.  You could hear the lefties work themselves up for the storm that was about to hit.  Some ran for the lifeboats, other manned the cannon and some shot off signal flares warning that Hurricane Breitbart was there.  We hit the bottom of the escalator and were soon surrounded; the storm was here and in full force.  We were soon surrounded by hundreds of lefties with cameras held high to get a shot of the man they all love to hate at the eye of the storm and us standing close by.  Soon the lefties who could not shout at Breitbart turned their attention to us.  Yes those lefties who keep telling us they are for the working middle class suddenly had no problem attacking two middle class working men trying to do their job.  On our left, a man started to yell at the camera thinking we could not record audio if he did that, and then he realized that there was an audio guy with a boom pole standing behind the camera and started to yell into the boom microphone trying to disrupt our recording.  I just had to laugh as Breitbart was wearing a wireless microphone and all his efforts to disrupt our work had failed.  He must have seen me laughing and turned his attention to yelling directly at me, the sound guy with the headphones on, I had to laugh a bit more as I thought that’s right moron, I’m wearing these headphones so I can hear you better.  My laughter quickly stopped as on our right, I noticed a lady place her hand on the front of the camera lens, the camera guy quickly removed her hand and kept shooting.  She then began to yell at me that the camera guy touched her.  I could only take about ten seconds of her yelling when I snapped my head in her direction pointed directly at her and yelled back “DON’T YOU TOUCH HIM AGAIN!” and gave her my crazy bald man look.  I never saw her again.
The Storm was in full force with a circle of lefties surrounding Breitbart yelling these great questions at him about cocaine, gay hookers and some attack on a Muslim woman no, two Muslim women or maybe it was three that Breitbart attacked no, it was someone who worked for Breitbart no, someone who yelled Breitbart’s name who was responsible.  In the flurry of questions not one was about Anthony Wiener.  They yelled at him and told him to leave since he did not have credentials and we made our way to the escalator where they started chanting coward.  The same people that asked him to leave now were chanting “coward” as he did what they had asked him to do. Hypocrisy? Of course there’s nothing like a good mindless chant from the zombies on the left.  You can watch the video of the madness here it’s not our footage but you get the point.

All of this is just a brief look in to what is in store for the Breitbart documentary that I’m sure you will all enjoy.  Breitbart is a warrior and it is great to see a guy like him stand up for so many of us who have just sat quietly as lefties took to the streets and shouted us down anytime we spoke.  We are silent no longer thanks to Andrew Breitbart.  I will share with you all the details as we get closer to the release. 

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