How could I possibly pass up such a great moment as Obama’s Irish CLANK! For those of you who have not seen the footage just CLANK here.
There are moments when my brain overloads with jokes and I just can’t seem to get a single joke out and this would be one of those times so let me share a few of the one liners with you.
Huh! This must be the new Cash for Clankers!
Looks like his car followed his presidency and bottomed out.
Clinton had a Black Hawk down and now Obama has a Black Car down.
This must be the new Obama “Exit Strategy”
Hey Obama Netanyahu called and he said to take your Limo back to the 1967 style.

Hello Mr. Gates could you send Seal Team Six to get me Limo unstuck?
So he didn’t spike the football but, he did spike the Limo.
He’s teeing up the limo. FORE!
The Chevy Volt would never have this problem
Wow! now even the limo is bowing.
I guess we shouldn’t have put that keg of Guinness in the trunk.
Michelle!! I think you need to follow your own advice and start eating better.
That guy should have gunned it and jumped the limo like the General Lee
Taking it on the bottom, now he knows how the American taxpayers feel!
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