Sunday, March 13, 2011

Worst Liberal Argument EVER!!

As many of you who know me one of my favorite things to do is debate politics on Facebook.  I have several friends who also enjoy it as well, I laugh that when most guys talk cars, fishing or other manly hobbies we find it fun to debate liberals.  I love getting the phone call exclaiming “I got one!” as if they had just got a fish on the hook and you need to grab the net.  I call it fishing for liberals.  Unfortunately as of late I have toned down the rhetoric on my Facebook page due to the large number of clients that are friend requesting me. 

The Wisconsin Teachers Union battle has provided us with hours of fun.  At the beginning of the Wisconsin turmoil, I debated with one of our old nemesis   who offered the usual MSNBC and Huffington Puffing ton articles as facts.  We had a good laugh and quickly dismissed the articles as biased and even found articles that debunked them.  Of course the liberal cried foul that we would dismiss them as facts but I quickly reminded him that he would do the same with any right wing blog or if I linked him to Fox News.  I even offered him a bit of advice, use Google.  That’s right and now I’m sharing a tip with all of you when arguing with a liberal. Google will be your greatest asset; you know the liberals will not accept anything from Fox News but Google will find the same news somewhere else.  My personal favorite is when I can find the same article on MSNBC.  Needless to say the liberal did not take my advice and soon disappeared from the discussion.
Our liberal friend did send me a great link that only furthered my point and I thanked him for it and said it was going to help me win more debates and it has.  The link is to Governor Walker’s memo on the bill and it explains what is happening.  Here it is for you to love and share and win with.
If nothing else look at the collective bargaining agreement part and see that is not that bad, just bringing the teachers down to what most unions are able to negotiate for. 
The second part of my great debate is always to throw in this article that explains how the Wisconsin Teachers Union also owns WEA Trust that insures almost all the teachers in Wisconsin for a price of course. 
This is what is driving the state broke.  I’ve yet to have one liberal debate this with me and it usually ends the debate when you tell them see the union is now big business.   Then to completely finish them off just remind them that federal workers have no collective bargaining thanks to Jimmy Carter.
Now for a bit of a disclaimer that you need to remember, liberals usually don’t think clear and may come back like a bad zombie movie.  I thought a recent debate was all but done when a liberal jumped in from nowhere to give it more life.  At first I simply told him I was not going to argue the same points again and if he wanted he simply could go and read my previous comments.  Here is part of our debate.

Educate yourself please! I posted before not only a memo from Walker stating exactly what he wants but also a great article on the Wisconsin teachers union that owns a pet insurance company and forces the state to use this ridiculous insurance company that is robbing the state blind. As I have stated before unions are big business, please take a moment and review the entire thread before you jump in at the end and rehash old and tired points.
Then he responded
I didn't see any Walker Manifesto - just something lame about 14 Democrats being cowards in the face of Republican tools or something like that. I didn't mean to blow up you discussion.
I then remembered he was a liberal and might need some help.
When you read to the end of a comment and it says "see more" click on that and the rest of the comment will drop down and you can continue to read.
Always remember this when arguing with liberals that they have difficulties thinking logically and you may have to help them with the simple things.  I do my best not to be condescending but sometimes it’s tough.  I had my laughs and thought this was fun but nothing had me prepared for what I’m now calling the dumbest liberal argument of all time.
My phone chimed with an alert, I was very excited the fish was tugging at the line again.  My mind raced with all kinds of thought of what he possibly could have written back and what my response was going to be.  I don’t think my life is that pathetic but it’s the little things that keep us going.  My heart was pounding my fingers were ready to type “He’s Back!”   When I was hit with this! 
What this is really all about is the first American civil war. The "conservatives" never got over losing their slaves because the "liberals" won the war. This is just a slow and methodical process to redeem the ideology of the south in a new way. Dirt cheap labor and scared workers make the boss man big and rich!
Ladies and Gentlemen I give you the Worst liberal Argument EVER!

1 comment:

  1. Fight on my friend! Remember: you can't fix stupid bet you do have to work with stupid.
