Tuesday, March 1, 2011

World Peace and Free Oil


Let’s talk trade.  Ever since elementary school we all have been familiar with trading. I was always trying to trade that apple for some chocolate but I never had any takers.  I also traded baseball cards and star wars figures with the same ending, little to no luck.  As I got older I would argue about professional sports trades.  Being a Cubs fan I always seem to be on the losing end of those trades.

I have a great trade that will help out the world economy and bring peace with big entertainment.  I think Obama should call Libya and trade Charlie Sheen for Muammar Gaddafi.  Not only will this benefit both nations but most importantly bring down the price of gas.  I also think that both Muammar and Sheen would be happy with the trade as well.

Colonel Gaddafi has been dreaming of the Hollywood spot light for years now.  I don’t think he really wanted to be a dictator in the first place but what is a boy supposed to do in Libya anyway.  I’ve never heard Randy Jackson yell “You’re going to Tripoli DAWG!” so little Muammar had to become a dictator. Now he has done a great job of it, from his nonsensical speeches to his outlandish outfits complete with his own military looks that rivaled Michael Jackson.  What more could you ask for in a dictator.  Unfortunately a dictator’s act can only go so far and Colonel Gaddafi has outlasted most but he has topped out with nowhere to go.  He has threatened the infidels and declared death to America but I think taking over the Charlie Sheen role in Two and a half men could be his greatest role and give him new life.  I can already see the Hollywood writers having a field day with all the new script potentials.  Seriously what’s better a drunken jingle writer or a washed up dictator?  Think of the cross promotions as CSI Miami suddenly investigates a dead infidels washing upon shore.
Charlie Sheen has obviously worn out his welcome in Hollywood and just like Colonel Gaddafi is looking for his next great challenge.  What would be better for Sheen than becoming a dictator of a country?  Sean Penn has tried a bit by snuggling up to Chavez but, he has only become a pet of a dictator and not a dictator.  Actually maybe Penn is trying to become Chavez’s Mini Me.  This is a great way for Sheen to be a “Winner” as he says and top Sean Penn by actually becoming the evil dictator.  Charlie could also get that raise he has been hoping for by running an oil rich country.  Now as much as Charlie claims he is not addicted to drugs, I think he just might be.  Now what could be better for a drug addict then to move to his own country where he could make up all the laws himself?  Charlie would also be making up all the laws about women as well, and I don’t think he would be in favor of all those cover up the women laws they have.  Burqa’s would be a thing of the past and I think the men would soon forget about blowing anything up as they start to notice and check out women as they walk by.  With Charlie leading the way to sex and drugs, the country would be at peace, and it would make it easy for us just to step in and grab as much oil as our tankers can carry.
The United States would now have free oil bringing gas down to just cents a gallon and we could even sell off some to pay off the debt and give every public worker every demand their union would make.  Libya would be living the high life and partying like Charlie Sheen.  Women would be free of their Burqas and checking out their new handsome leader.  The rest of the terrorist nations would take notice and start overthrowing their leaders and getting celebrities to lead their countries.   We could have world Peace, great TV and movies all this started by a simple trade.

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