Monday, March 7, 2011


The ongoing and seemingly never ending situation in Wisconsin is really starting to bore me.  Do these protesters have anywhere else to be?  Are they not bored sitting there all day long?  Who is paying for their mortgage?  Who is feeding their pets?  How are they getting money for pizza and kettle corn?  Can they tell me how to do this so I no longer have to work?  Are the Fleebaggers not getting sick of being on the lamb?  How much takeout food can you eat?  After a few days in a hotel I’m ready to head home to my own bed.   How are they not bored sitting in a motel room all day? 
This massive stalemate and boredom seems to all come down to the teachers losing their collective bargaining.  We can all end this by not taking the collective bargaining away from the teachers but yet transferring the collective bargaining to the students.  Students have gone on long enough without representation and I think it’s about time we took to the streets for their rights.  Everyone always says “it’s for the kids” well let’s back it up and give students the right to stand up for themselves and even the right to walk off the job on strike.  We all know students have plenty they could strike about.
The creative colleges, I was looking at, always talked about how they tailored their classes towards the creative mind.  They explained to my parents that I had a creative mind and bored with traditional methods of learning, that’s why I was struggling in High School.  I now know that when a school tells a parent that their child is creative it truly means that they are A D D.  If students had a collective bargaining they could fight for creative and engaging teachers. If a teacher starts to bore students they should have the right to stand up and in their best “Homer Simpson voice” yell “BORING!” and walk out of the class.  Teachers would then be forced to make their classes interesting or be fired for an empty classroom.
Shouldn’t students have some say in gym class?  Do we really need to force kids to climb a rope?  What exactly does this prove?  In my professional career I’ve never been asked to climb a rope.  Unless you join the military there is no reason for this skill.  I was forced in grade school to learn square dancing.  What good did that do for me?  The only skill I could get from square dancing is marching around to bad chants doing the same move everyone else is doing.  Funny sounds an awful like union protester.  I can just hear a union boss calling the dance; grab your signs and swing them in the air do si do and around the capitol ya go.  As a kid in elementary school I would have walked out on this.  “Square dancing no; Dodge ball for all!”
School lunches would be one of the biggest reason students should be allowed to unionize.  You know the quality of the lunches is why there is a teacher’s lounge.  I was always convinced they had a grand buffet in the teacher’s lounge that would rival a Vegas Casino Buffet complete with a chef carving meat and a chocolate fountain.  The teachers had all of this while the students ate cheese on cardboard that they call pizza or the dead squirrel they passed off as Salisbury steak.  All of this served by the creepiest lady the school could find to serve the lunch.  In high school we had a lunch lady that went overboard with the eye mascara until she looked like rocky raccoon.  How do you look at a lady like this and not lose your appetite?  The students should be allowed to storm the teacher lounge.  If you want me to use that rope to climb a mountain then I need a chocolate fountain!
Now is the time to truly give the power back to the little people and unionize the student body.  Being class president could be more of a union boss.  “These are our demands Principal or we walk and you’re out of a job!”  Now that would be teaching the kids the power of negotiating and maybe breaking a few legs.   Yes it’s time to send out an S.O.S (Students on Strike!)  Let’s make the Student Union mean something.  K thru eight it’s time to stop the hate!  

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