On September 11, 2001, I turned off the music in my car to turn on the sports radio station and find out if the Cubs had won from the prior night. The announcer said that sometimes sports coverage needs to take a back seat to tragic events and they joined coverage of the first plane hitting the World Trade Center. The comedy in my blog will continue with future posts but I felt it should take a back seat to this story.
I’m just amazed sometimes at the strange twists of fate that influence our lives. It was just a simple flight from Chicago to Spokane, Washington. I spent a lot of time explaining to people that I was not going to DC but rather to Washington on the other coast. With the amount of time I spend on politics, I could understand their confusion. Nope, this trip had nothing to do with politics.

The trip took me from Chicago to Denver, then onto Spokane. We landed safely in Denver and hurried to our next gate for our connection. That’s when I noticed Ben Stein. That’s right “Bueller…Bueller…Bueller…” and the “Clear Eye’s” spokesman was there waiting to board a Southwest flight. I thought all these Hollywood types flew first class. I guess Mr. Stein is a true conservative. Ben Stein walked over close to us but walked passed us and over to a group of military men and thanked them for their service. I had a chuckle as the men did not realize who he was, until after he walked away.
I have to give a big kudos not only to Ben Stein but also to Southwest Airlines, before boarding, they asked everyone to show their appreciation for the soldiers and the entire terminal began to applaud as the soldiers boarded before everyone else. I boarded the plane after Ben Stein and noticed he was sitting next to one of the soldiers and it looked like they were having a great conversation.

When we arrived in Spokane, we headed for luggage return and began the trek down the habit-trail maze. As we approached the end of the maze, I noticed a big Harley dressed man come from around the corner and I thought oh boy, welcome to the northwest. I ate my words as I turned the corner and there was several men standing with flags and waiting families looking for the returning soldiers. I felt sorry as I walked down the middle of the flag bearers and then notice the families with signs and balloons waiting for the returning soldiers. I don’t even deserve to walk the same path as these men.

I walked off to the side and turned back hearing applause ring out as a soldier walked through the flag bearers as they snapped to attention. The family would run up and hug the soldier and the tears would start. I have seen this scene on the news and on you tube links friends would send but those are nothing compared to seeing the scene played out in front of you. I couldn’t help but notice that after the initial celebration how long they just held onto each other.

I think all too often we forget what sacrifice is made for our freedoms. Take a moment count the blessings in your life. Then remember the soldiers sacrifice for your freedom. Please take a moment and say a prayer for our soldiers who are away from their blessings to protect yours. God Bless our troops.
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