I have had more discussions about the Tea Party the past few days’ then tea dumped in the harbor. I’m just simply amazed at the extreme stories that surround the Tea Party. I’ve heard it all from the Tea Party is dead to the Tea Party is killing America. Funny the more the left tries to kill the Tea Party the stronger it gets. The Tea Party is like a strange creature that only gets stronger, the more hate you throw at it.
I can only laugh at those who think if they just keep saying the Tea Party is dead that somehow the Tea Party will believe it. The best response to those who claim that the Tea Party is dead is to quote Mark Twain, “The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated.” Now I will admit in the light of the recent debt crisis the death talk has almost died itself, of course there are those that blame the Tea Party and say that it’s still dying. Those are the people I love to point out their contradiction to and then if they still don’t understand I send them for help.
“I don’t care what the F@#*ing S&P report says!” was the response of a guy who was determined to blame the downgrade on the Tea Party. I was actually speechless and did not know what to say. I simply apologized to him and said sorry I guess S&P got their own report wrong and I’ll call them to let them know they should have blamed it on the Tea Party.
I have delighted in hearing different analogies of the Tea Party blame game. Andre Breitbart had one of the best on his Twitter feed “Blaming the Tea Party is like blaming the booing fans at Wrigley for a bad Cubs team.” Rand Paul then said “Blaming the Tea Party is like blaming the firemen for the fire.” Rand Paul then had the best retort to those who want to blame the Tea Party. Keep it in perspective the Tea Party is the minority of the minority party in Washington. That would make the Tea Party like Joe Scarborough, a conservative in the MSNBC liberal sea of hate.

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