In my college years I was obsessed with Elvis, I loved the whole Elvis is alive conspiracies. Yes Elvis is alive living in a trailer park and working at Burger King. From this amusement I got into Elvis’s music and suddenly I was obsessed. Well, at least I thought I was obsessed until I took a trip to Graceland and saw those who were truly obsessed with him. I wanted to laugh and joke around at his grave but there were people crying, kind of a kill on the whole laughing at the grave site.
Why do I bring up this obsession with Elvis? I think we have a lot of people caught up in similar obsession from the “Birthers” to the new “Deathers” (those consumed with Osama’s death) and even the White House has an obsession with Photoshop. The White House seems to feed both the “Birthers” and the “Deathers” with their “Photoshoppers”. I’m sure by now you’re a bit confused as we all are but follow me and let me explain.
It was April 2009 and Obama was still in the beginning of his presidency when Air Force One caused a great scare all for a photo op. There were dozens of questions to the Obama administration about this one and the best question was why not simply use Photoshop? Photoshop! Photoshop! I’m sure Obama screamed it threw the West Wing and then had several meetings on Photoshop. I wouldn’t be surprised if there is now a Photoshop czar. The rest of the Cyber-world decided to show President Obama how Photoshop works. Here are a few of my favorite Air Force One Photoshop jobs.

Since the Air Force One incident and being taught a valuable lesson, the White House and the world is looking to Photoshop to solve all its problems. First, the “birthers” were answered with a Photoshop copy of Baracks birth certificate. I’m not exactly sure why a Government official would need Photoshop when they have all the blank documents they need. My inbox has been filled lately with analysis of the birth certificate and how it was Photo shopped. Once again, I think if you make Barack run against his record he will lose the election. The White House still felt a need to answer Donald Trump and the “Birthers” only giving them more life and more conspiracy to talk about. In the spirit of the Rightwing nut I bring you my favorite Obama birth certificates.

Now, onto the Seal Team Six mission and that now somewhat famous picture in the situation room; is it fake or real? If you’re the President of the United States should you not get a bigger chair? He looks like someone just gave him a time out. We are now learning that Hillary who looks like she is seeing something like a photo of Bill Clinton Naked at a Kripsy Kreme, turns out she has allergies. Biden looks as if he has just eaten Thanksgiving dinner and is watching the football game. Funny the only one working is the military person, who probably would be looking at the screen if they were actually watching military action. Once again here comes Photoshop to the rescue.

Within moments of the announcement of the death of Osama, I was able to find pictures of him with a bullet shot to the head, Photoshopped of course. Even Scott Brown was duped by a Photoshop version. of Osama. The White House went back and forth on releasing the photo of his death and burial at sea. I’m not sure why they decided not to use Photoshop again, maybe because so many had already beaten them to the punch. Maybe this is indicating the end of the love the White House has for Photoshop but here is how I think they should have handled it.
Here is just a few more suggestions on how Obama could use Photoshop to improve his image.
He's already following the Bush policies
Look we plugged the DAMN leak!
This should get hime the Treckie vote |
Sorry I'm gonna have nightmares also
DWTS Voters
Getting the Hillary supporters
For some reason I don't think this would get him the Tea Party Vote |
Whoops! Not sure that would help!