I know most of you won’t miss Barney Frank one bit when he leaves office but I hate to say it, I just might. Yeah America probably will be in a better place when he steps down but what about the comedy? Frank was a soft target, HA! See how easy it is to make a joke about a guy with the last name of Frank. We already lost Wiener, now Frank. It’s kind of like losing Abbott and Costello, Sonny and Cher, Fred and Barney, Fannie and Freddie…Oh wait, Barney almost took care of that last one himself.
Barney did a great job of taking away some of that “Coolness”, the Democrats seem to have. Where Obama at times seems like this cool guy that you could play basketball with you would look over and there would be creepy Uncle Barney looking at you in that strange way. Should I also put the image in your head of creepy Uncle Barney watching you play ball with that creepy look and slowly eating a hot dog? You probably have that little vomit in the back of your throat feeling right now. See aren’t you going to miss that?

I was also very upset since both Weiner and Frank are out because, now the landmark legislation they were both working on was just going to shrivel up. Barney and Anthony were working on legislation that would regulate the whole 10 hotdogs and 8 buns nightmare that has haunted the American people for decades now. Now the Weiner, Frank Bun Bill has been ripped off the congressional table by those dogs and swallowed whole; leaving the American people to choke on their mess.
Sure Barney had a problem with touching Freddie’s Fannie but isn’t crashing the economy worth the comedy we get from B. Frank? Wasn’t it all really just Bush’s fault anyway? You simply can’t blame Barney he’s a gay democrat and I think that trumps the race card and if you don’t believe that, you must be a homophobe! Sorry; I need a moment, I’m kind of freaked out that my autocorrect had no problem with the word homophobe. How and why does my computer know the word homophobe?
I’m over the homophobe thing now and onto my concern about what will Barney do now. When I first heard the news of his retirement I thought “Oh good, Barney got the head coaching job at Penn State.” Of course, we all know that silly Barney would be the tight end coach. Sorry Barney is not heading to Penn State or Syracuse. I hope Barney finds himself in jail one day for what he has done but I’m not sure if he would find that as a terrible punishment, or just a vacation resort. Barney should find himself in Club Gitmo!
Now for a bit of a Photoshop tribute to Barney, were gonna’ miss ya big guy. No not really!
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