I’m surprised that neither the mainstream media nor even the not so mainstream media has picked up on this story. I’m sure it’s just a mere oversight, they’ve probably been too busy covering some gold digger in Chicago and guys in a shower at the Penn. (Sorry is the Penn State joke too soon?) You could probably surf the internet for hours and not find a single story. If the media and the blogs started to take notice, America could benefit from the media getting on this story ASAP.
Obama and French President Nicolas Sarkozy are having a HUGE Bromance. Oh so you’re not sure what a Bromance is? Bromance: Describes the complicated love and affection shared by two straight males. That’s all I kept seeing in the footage from the G8, G6, G12, G482 One of those G conferences where a bunch of guys get together for photo ops and a bunch of protestors also get together for a different kind of photo op.

Now normally, I wouldn’t care if the President wants to have a Bromance with another world leader but this is Sarkozy, the President of France. France? I mean if you want to look strong don’t hang with the short guy from France? Let’s be honest, Sarah Palin is tougher than Sarkozy. I know Obama couldn’t have a bromance with her but it would look better. How about Putin for a bromance? Putin has got the whole cowboy ride with my shirt off and hunt a dangerous animal thing down. I think America would look better if Obama was pictured hunting with Palin and Putin.

I can only imagine the lessons Obama is learning from Shorty Sarkozy. Maybe this is why we fought without really fighting in Libya. I’m just worried that Sarkozy is giving him lessons in the art of surrender. Obama has already got the submissive bow down; I really don’t want to see him learn how to surrender with both hands in the air it seems like he has already gotten half of it down.

So please can we end this useless G-bromance and save Chicago from the next great fire. If Obama and Sarkozy want to continue their bromance, I say let them be but let’s leave the other world leaders and the rioting brats at home. Let the two of them get a nice ski resort in France and leave the rest of us out of it!
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