Friday, September 23, 2011

535 Million

Solyndra wasted 535 million in less than 2 years.  How? Not to worry the Wingnut has discovered Solyndra’s expense sheet.

100,000,000 Building a kick-ass looking factory for an Obama Photo-op

100,000 On white lab coats to make us look smart

0 On making the factory ready to produce solar panels (look we saved money)

250,000 Solar panels for Dummies books

525,000 Mirrors! Oops, they reflect light not capture it

575,000 Black plastic to look like solar panels

500,000 Creating a superhero named Solyndra

1,000,000 Painting of Obama as a sun god

500,000 Finding out that Obama is not really a sun god

175,000 Researching foot power cars like the Flintstones

155,000,000 Solar panels from China that actually work

580,000 On light bulbs to shine on the solar panels

750,000 On a solar power Lady Gaga outfit

525,000 On $16 muffins from the Department of Justice

175,000 Security to keep Ed Begley Jr. away

10,000,000 Building a solar powered rocket ship to land on the sun

150,000 On sunglasses so we can stare at that sun thing and figure it out

165,000 On solar power toys from China to keep Joe Biden occupied when he visits

800,000 To find out it’s not always sunny in Philadelphia

300,000 On Sunkist (not what we thought it was)

165,000 Securing the Rights to the song “The Sun Will Come Up Tomorrow” to play when we broke the news to Barack

555,000 Night vision goggles to find the sun at night

1,500,000 Researching moon power

175,000 Solyndra-man costumes for Obama

1,500,000 Repairs from when Biden thought Solar panels were actually trampolines

750,000 Big fans to blow away clouds that blocked the sun

 525,000 Failed marketing solar panels to the Amish

275,000 Apology gift for Michelle Obama after using the phrase “huge sun spot” when walking behind her

525,000 Bribe to the Weather Channel to say that every day was going to be sunny

275,000 Made in China stickers (thought it would bring down the cost of our panels)

 250,000 Solar power golf cart for Obama (that should get his attention)

425,000 Repair Nancy Pelosi’s face (oops didn’t know it was really plastic)

700,000 Solar powered light saber fail

1,500,000 Development of a solar powered teleprompter

2,000,000 Solar windmill project

750,000 Developing solyndra energy drink

25,000 Magnifying glasses to burn ants with the AWESOME power of the SUN

75,000 Cleaning up all the dead ants

25,000 Trying to fry an egg on the sidewalk

55, 000 Cleaning up eggs off the sidewalk

575,000 Sponsor of the first NASCAR solar race car

150,000 Hush money for Bob Beckel

750,000 Fighting SEIU thought it stood for Solar Energy International Union.

775,000 Solar tanning beds

5,000,000 Solar power submarine

1,000,000 Donation to Moammar Gadhafi re-election campaign

242,630,000 The biggest waste was to the Obama 2012 campaign!!!

535 Million of Taxpayer dollars wasted!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Sign Game

Maybe you missed it, or maybe I just missed it.  I thought at first the picture was photo shopped but, no it was real.  During the president’s speech on his new jobs proposal, Rep. Jeff Landry, a Republican freshman from Louisiana, held a sign displaying a simply message: “Drilling = jobs”.  What a great idea he avoids the “Joe Wilson” problem by just simply holding a sign and who knows maybe Obama might have confused it with his teleprompter and read it.  This of course could be the new fad at presidential speeches and might show us some insight into the politicians.
Allen West just telling it straight
John Boehner with his favorite sign
Erections Have Consequences

Barney and a sign for his house and the house
John Kerry's favorite
Nancy doesn't know what to do without Bush to bash but Boehner knows!

Bush has a message

A great sign from Bush
Looks like Carter may be the only one happy with the Obama presidency

Tim Scott a black conservative????
We already knew that Nancy.

sorry couldn't pass up this obvious Rosie O'Donnel joke!

See John Edawards does care

Going old school
Joe Knows

I don't think Bill is a fan of the sign game

Harry Reid maybe taking the cowboy poetry thing too far

We all thought it

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Obama Ball

The drama surrounding President Obama’s jobs speech and The White House changing the date has kept me smiling for days.  No matter how you look at it, Obama played the fool and had no one to blame but himself.  The Obama comedy show now has to compete with the opening night of the NFL.  My understanding is that the Green Bay affiliate will stay with pre game coverage instead of carrying the Presidents’ speech and who can really blame them.  Let’s be honest, the President will offer no new ideas, just the same old ones over again.  If Obama wants to relate to the American people, he should combine his speech with the pre game show. 
Obama’s speech should start out with him entering the house chamber to pyrotechnics and cheerleaders.  Maybe Barney Frank, Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters could dress up as the cheerleaders.  Once Obama hits the podium he should chest bump Biden then stare down Boehner.  Obama could then turn and go into his best John Madden voice.

 All right, here’s what were going to do, or better yet, what I would like to do until Boehner and his team of Republicans block it.  BAM!  I didn’t see that coming.  Next I’ll whap everyone with an end around Congress, straight to the American people, crying that the Republicans are meanies.  Whap!  That didn’t work.   So then I’ll cry foul and throw out the Bush flag again.  What?  No, I said Bush flag not Bush is a ….  Ha, that’s pretty funny but if you want to talk about that, I could tell you about how great I ‘am for passing Don’t ask Don’t tell and hit the military down there…Oh yeah, you want to hear my jobs talk?  Okay, so it’s not the Republicans fault and it’s not Bush’s fault.  That leaves the Tea Party.  Hey, Tea Party, here is my friend Jimmy Hoffa, you know the guy who threatened you guys, the guy whose dad became a bump in Giants Stadium…Oh wait…better sit down, Jimmy.  Michelle has single handedly kept the travel agency a float and I have been keeping my speech writers and teleprompter operators employed.  Hmmm…teleprompter operator sounds like a turdunken, I could go for a turkey leg right now.  That gives me an idea to stimulate the economy.  All of you hard working taxpaying Americans can go out and buy Michelle and me a gift, for all the good we’ve done!  I will put up a list of items appropriate to buy us.  Just a few ideas: Gift cards for burgers are always good; an I-pod filled with my speeches, foreign DVD’s, a book on the 57 states and how to toast the queen for dummies are just the start of my list.  Then BAM!!!! The economy is fixed.  It's good to be King, Um I mean President.

At that point, Obama can head to the locker room while the Black Eyed Peas come out to sing a few songs.  (Not racist by mentioning the Black Eyed Peas just remembering their performance at the Superbowl) After that, they can switch to the movie Heidi.  Oooops, sorry, I meant the Green Bay Packers game.  Unfortunately, we will be stuck with the same boring speech and at the end we will all be thinking the same thing in our best Keith Jackson voice.  WHOA NELLY IT’S A FUMBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!