Monday, January 24, 2011

Watcha Talkin' Bout?

Robert Gibbs is one of the biggest clowns of the Obama administration.  I might actually miss him when he leaves.  This time he has out done himself answering a birther question, he claims most rational people after seeing and hearing the president they know he was born in the U.S..  What?
As most of you who are on the right as I am, you probably have been called a racist for disagreeing with Obama. I've been shocked at the people who have called me that even though I could provide a least a hundred reasons not to agree with Obama it all comes down to that.  For simply saying that I was not going to vote for him I was labeled a racist and yet from Robert Gibbs we get this and you probably won't hear much reporting on it.
So in order to become a better person and see the way the left thinks I'm going to think like Gibbs.  So any one who talks funny you are no longer U.S. citizens.  People of Texas Y'all aint from around here are ya?  Snooki and all of your Jersey Shore friends can go back to the country you came from.  I'm also happy to announce that all Green Bay Fans can go find a fish fry somewhere else you betcha!  California Valley Girls as if your from this country.  People of Fargo we now give you to Canada.  There Mr. Gibbs is that better we got rid of most of the country.  Maybe this is why he didn't like Palin.

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