I’m just now getting out of my Government shutdown bunker formally known as my Y2K bunker. With all the talk of the government shutdown, I was afraid and thought it best to ride it out in the bunker. What were we going to do if the government shutdown? How would we live, thrive or survive? I was sure there would be mass chaos, cats and dogs sleeping together. Talking about it again has me wanting to head back into the bunker.
Did any of us stop and think how would this affect us? Let’s be honest that’s all most of us worry about anyway. Would planes suddenly fall out of the sky? Would the government paved streets roll up leaving us nothing to drive on? I wonder if they shut down the government will my car start in the morning? I wonder if my car did start could I speed all over with no worries of getting pulled over. Would my local grocery store open without knowing what to sell without the FDA? Let’s face it none of these things were going to happen in fact my life would probably not change at all.
The National Parks! National Parks that’s about the only thing I could find that might affect me. If the government shutdown and I wanted to go to a National Park I would not be able to. I thought about just leaving the gates open at the National Parks with a donation box outside. A great idea people would still be able to enjoy the national parks and they could make a few bucks during the shutdown, the only drawback would be that people would have to find the restrooms all on their own. Wait a minute the last couple of times I’ve been to a National Park, I’ve been charged. The St. Louis Arch charges $7 dollars a person for an elevator ride. The Grand Canyon charges $50 a year for an annual pass, Six Flags charges $75 for a season pass and that includes all the roller coasters. The Grand Canyon could install a few roller coasters and up the charge for a season pass. I had no plans of heading to a National Park so no big deal; let’s shut it down and save a few bucks.
Now I fully understand about the military and that was really the only part of the government shutdown that had me concerned. Any politician who did not make sure the brave men and women in the military were paid would truly commit political suicide. If there was ever an event that would warrant the people of the US picking up pitch forks and torches and storming the capitol this would be it.

I think the politicians on both sides realized how much they would not be missed. If the people figure out how much they don’t need government then they would want even more spending cuts. If a government shutdown happened congress would have to work with a reduced staff. Gee that sounds like my job right now everyone is working with reduced staffs. How about we cut both Congress and the Senate in half until we are out of this economic crisis?
Do we still need a President and a Vice President? Outside of comic relief I don’t see much need for the Vice President although I love hearing Biden gaffes and they will be missed I would rather save the money on not only his salary but also on his security staff and housing we provide. Okay maybe I’m a bit extreme by just laying off Biden maybe instead of sitting in his office learning how to spell he could work at a National Park. How about the next election cycle the candidates work at different National Parks and that’s how you could meet them and also see exactly what their work ethic is like. Instead of just speaking crap they could be cleaning up crap in a National Park. Maybe then we could see who really knows their S*#t. So the next time they start threatening to shut it down, I say let them.
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