Maybe I’m just going through different stages, at first I just laughed it off then I got mad about it and then I embraced it to try and make me stronger. Now I think I’m entering a new stage of my Liberal Left tag of RACIST. I’m worried I might be. I guess if you call someone a racist enough they will begin to believe it themselves. Now I’m not quite ready to go out and get fitted for my KKK outfit just yet but with such great minds as Jeanine Garafalo, Morgan Freeman and Harry Belafonte who not only knows how to belt out a song about bananas but also apparently is an expert in race relations. I guess I need to re evaluate my racism.
Could the only reason I love Herman Cain is because he’s black? I’ve read his book, heard him speak at rally’s, looked up his resume and agree with a majority of what he says at the debates or is it all just the color of his skin? Is it just me or the entire Tea Party? What if Herman Cain himself is a racist? I need to look into this whole controversy for myself to reveal the truth.
First let’s take Cain’s 9-9-9 plan and if you take the ninth letter of the alphabet it’s the I-I-I plan proving that Cain is only in it for himself. Now, if you follow Bachman’s advice and turn those nines upside down you get 6-6-6 or applying the alphabet code you get F-F-F or Fool-Fool-Fool an obvious play on Mr. T’s “I pity the fool” As if this wasn’t enough evidence of racism there is more and maybe the biggest evidence that Cain’s 9-9-9 plan is racist. If you take the 9 and add it to the 2 party system, you now get 11-11-11 or K-K-K. Then I started looking at photos of Cain and the Tea Party racism showed right through. Let’s take a look.
Now look at this shirt, I know obvious racism. First two black guys on a “white” T-shirt. Then it reads a couple of brothers in the White House. The biggest piece of evidence is the fact that Allen West is facing away from Herman Cain and all of his racism.
This photo printed in “Black” comparing Cain to a hurricane an obvious reference to Katrina and how George Bush hates Black people. Not to mention that “Rock you like a hurricane” was song by a white band.
Here is a photo of Herman Cain’s campaign bus. Notice how his picture is towards the back of the bus. Also not pictured is the white Tea Party driver of the bus who was yelling at Herman to stay at the back of the bus when Herman raised his hands up in disbelief the photo was taken.
Here is a photo of a Tea Party Patriot who is trying to drag his kid away from shaking hands with the token black man of the Tea Party. RACIST!
Here is a picture of Sarah Palin visibly upset by having to hug the token black man of the Tea Party. You can also see another white male starting to pray over Sarah for having to hug Herman Cain. I think he was trying to pray the black out before Sarah blacked out.
I know you can see this racism. First this photo was taken moments after Cain presented Trump with his birth certificate. Then not only did they make Herman stand next to a woman (The beautiful blonde) but if you look over Cain’s left shoulder you can see the word BOY. RACIST!!
Do I even have to tell you on this one? Cain’s tie wrapped around his neck and over his shoulder almost like he’s chained up. Then Cain dressed in a white shirt and Bachman wearing a dark jacket. Racist! I think they were eating Bachman’s hotter than 666 chicken wings.
Here is a photo of Herman at one of his speaking engagements. Notice his dressing room in the back with the big black X on it. RACIST!
A picture with Jan Brewer moments before she tried to have Herman deported. Later she called Donald for his help.
We found this statue outside of Rick Perry’s family hunting lodge. Rick swears it has been there for years and recently repainted.
A photo from an early republican debate.
I hope you have all taken this in fun, in the words of Herman Cain America needs to learn to take a joke. I hope to have also pointed out the silliness of the left racist attacks, the biggest problem with this is when racism does rear its ugly head people may have cried wolf one too many times. I hope one day we can move past all of this and vote for a candidates merits and not their skin color. Keep smiling, keep laughing and Vote!
For More fun Watch Steven Crowder
For More fun Watch Steven Crowder